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New York Just Changed Girls Wrestling Forever: Here’s Why It Matters
In a groundbreaking move, New York has become the first state in the U.S. to sanction girls' high school wrestling as freestyle instead of folkstyle. This historic decision aligns with the style used in women's college wrestling, providing a seamless pipeline for young athletes aspiring to compete at higher levels. Despite facing significant skepticism, New York's bold step marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of girl's and women's wrestling.
A Beginner’s Guide to Girls Wrestling
Girls wrestling is rapidly becoming one of the most exciting and empowering sports available, providing young girls and women the opportunity to grow both physically and mentally. Whether you’re the parent of a budding wrestler or a young athlete stepping onto the mat for the first time, learning the basics is crucial for building confidence and embracing the journey of wrestling.
Beyond the Boys’ Club: Embracing a Unique Path for Women in Wrestling
The seeds were planted by the dreams and aspirations of women who aimed for gold medals on the world’s highest stages. They broke barriers and reshaped reality, showing how deeply wrestling could resonate with women. Just like a plant needs support to thrive, women’s wrestling needs allies to help it flourish and create space for women.
Why Freestyle is the Future for Girls Wrestling
January also marks the time of the year when women’s NCAA leaders gather for their annual convention to conduct NCAA committee business. My attention will focus on the potential vote approving women’s collegiate freestyle to become their 91st championship sport.
If they vote in favor of approval, it sets the stage for some compelling questions about the future of female wrestling. For example, can girls and women’s wrestling become a more independent and self-sustaining industry? More importantly, does freestyle wrestling offer the best opportunity for females to adopt a streamlined development and competition process based on one style of wrestling?
How to Evaluate a College Wrestling Program
Choosing the right college wrestling program is a significant decision, particularly for female athletes. Beyond the typical considerations, such as academic fit and team culture, there are unique challenges and opportunities that female wrestlers and their families must navigate in today's evolving wrestling landscape.
Managing Your Period at a Tournament
How often have you arrived at competition and realized you just started your period? Did you have all you needed, or did the stress of being with out the proper tools wear you down? Learning good habits which help support you during your period are a must for female athletes. Being prepared is key, but often we don't have a clue what we should be prepared for! Let's talk strategies and tools we can utilize so the day of competition is a little less painful.
What You Don't Know About Being A Female Wrestler
Trying to stereotype a female wrestler’s body as only short and stocky will only give you a narrow view of our sport. Wrestling is one of the few sports where you use your body type as a way to get the advantage over your opponent. Tall wrestle short, skinny wrestle stocky. As long as they are the same weight, you must learn how to wrestle whatever your opponent looks like...
The Complete Guide to Sports Bras for Female Wrestlers
"The Complete Guide to Sports Bras for Female Wrestlers" explores the crucial factors in selecting the perfect sports bra for wrestling, focusing on fit, material, and design. It provides personal insight into the dress coding challenges female wrestlers face and aims to provide female wrestlers, coaches, and parents with the best information to compete confidently.
I Lost to a Girl
We have a bit of a dilemma in the US: if you want to wrestle on your high school team in most states, you must wrestle the boys. Unfortunately, most parents and athletes are not comfortable with the idea of competing in a contact sport with boys. This means female athletes who would like the sport of wrestling are less inclined to join. As prideful as it may be to compete against the opposite gender and be successful, it doesn't always prove fruitful for the sport in the long run.
Iran’s New Feminism: Combat Sports
Seeing her for the first time, I was a bit taken back. She wore a hijab, long sleeves, and pants underneath her gi. The cultural differences between us were obvious — I was only wearing a t-shirt under my gi and my hair was left uncovered. Even though I had trained at this dojo a hundred times, this was the first time I had ever worked out with an athlete who covered themselves. I was soon put at ease when we shared laughs as we worked on our judo. She was a fierce competitor, and didn’t back down from me at all. I could tell she really loved practicing judo. I left the dojo that day thinking about issues bigger than myself. We may be different, but the love we feel in sport unifies us. I was impassioned at how sports can truly bring people together. I asked myself, “could it bring the world together?” For so long, we have viewed the Muslim culture as drastically different from our own world. But as opportunities for women in combat sports are on the rise, we can see a new beginning and a new feminism for Muslim women.
Breaking Boundaries: Coach Maryam
We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to speak to wrestling's unsung heroes around the world. Coach Maryam was introduced to us through our friend, Hooman Tavakolian of Tavak Partners, a sport diplomacy company. Hooman was kind enough to make the introduce us to Coach Maryam to get to know her better and spread her story.
Tournament Analysis: Girls Folkstyle Nationals
Attending the US Marine Corps Folkstyle Nationals in Oklahoma City was the first time in quite a while I was able to watch a national high school wrestling event. It was a great opportunity to get the know the wrestlers, have them get to know me, and ask what kinds of content they would like to see on LuchaFIT. After all, this website is all about creating fun and valuable content for the wrestlers, coaches, and their supporters! As with most national tournaments, I saw a lot of excitement, a lot of heartbreak, and a lot of desire to become better wrestlers. Here are a few key pointers I saw that those attending (and even those wrestlers not in attendance) could learn from.
Emma Randall: Differences Between Coaching Boys and Girls in Wrestling
It is a common misnomer that we need to treat athletes different based on their gender. Emma Randall, the first female in the U.S. to earn her gold-level coaching certification through USA Wrestling, has some insight and advice for those new to coaching females. Randall has her M.S. in Sports Psychology, and is able to give additional perspective on a mindset that has been all too common in the wrestling and female sport world.
How to Choose Where to Wrestle in College
Mallory Velte started her wrestling journey in California. Despite first being told she could not join the team, she has pushed past obstacles to become a 3x college national champion, a junior and senior world team member, and one of the top wrestlers in the country. Read about her decision making for wrestling in college, and how the lessons she learned can help make your search more simple.
Why Women Should Get Off the Cardio Equipment and Hit the Weights
I can't begin to tell you how many women and girls have shared with me their concern for getting "bulky." In order to avoid this, they focus hours on the elliptical, running on treadmills, and climbing the stair master. Afterwards, they may walk across the gym and pick up 5, 10, or 15 pound dumbbells to do a couple sets or curls or presses. I rarely see women curl or press dumbbells that are so heavy they can barely finish their set of 8-10 repetitions. Why is this?
Choosing Underwear for Female Wrestlers
As combat athletes and especially wrestlers, we face a very different set of challenges when it comes to choosing our workout gear. Being in tight fitting leggings, shorts, or competition singlets requires us to look at our undergarments from a different perspective. Gone are the days where we can wear our favorite lucky neon pink undies for competition... especially if we appreciate some modesty. When it comes to wearing spandex, we have to know how "sheer is our gear" before we get into a stance. I have had my fair share of undergarment faux pas, at practices and competitions. Here are my recommendations to help you navigate the world of sport and underwear!
Professional Athletes and Pregnancy
There have been some awesome articles lately about pregnancy and elite athletes. Serena Williams is pregnant with her first, and won a Grand-Slam title while 8 weeks pregnant. Track athlete Alysia Montanio was just in the news as she competed in the 800-meters at 5 months pregnant. There are also countless numbers of female athletes who have competed in their athletic career at the highest levels while pregnant.
Dear Dad, Dear Coach
My dad, Lee Allen, was a remarkable human being. Quiet and reserved, he was a two-time Olympic wrestler, arguably the most grueling sport in the world. A self-made man in every sense of the word, he grew up with nothing but the support of his family, working for everything he had.