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5 Items You Shouldn't Forget for Competition
For every sport competition, we have our typical packing list of must haves: uniform, food, water, lucky socks. But the more we compete, the more we find ourselves in situations where we didn't have what we needed. And even though we try and buffer for most situations, not everyone knows what to pack just in case. Here are the 5 items you should never forget to bring with you to a competition.
Managing Your Period at a Tournament
How often have you arrived at competition and realized you just started your period? Did you have all you needed, or did the stress of being with out the proper tools wear you down? Learning good habits which help support you during your period are a must for female athletes. Being prepared is key, but often we don't have a clue what we should be prepared for! Let's talk strategies and tools we can utilize so the day of competition is a little less painful.
The Complete Guide to Sports Bras for Female Wrestlers
"The Complete Guide to Sports Bras for Female Wrestlers" explores the crucial factors in selecting the perfect sports bra for wrestling, focusing on fit, material, and design. It provides personal insight into the dress coding challenges female wrestlers face and aims to provide female wrestlers, coaches, and parents with the best information to compete confidently.
Choosing Underwear for Female Wrestlers
As combat athletes and especially wrestlers, we face a very different set of challenges when it comes to choosing our workout gear. Being in tight fitting leggings, shorts, or competition singlets requires us to look at our undergarments from a different perspective. Gone are the days where we can wear our favorite lucky neon pink undies for competition... especially if we appreciate some modesty. When it comes to wearing spandex, we have to know how "sheer is our gear" before we get into a stance. I have had my fair share of undergarment faux pas, at practices and competitions. Here are my recommendations to help you navigate the world of sport and underwear!