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Impact to Insight: Wrestling With Life After a Concussion
After sustaining a concussion during wrestling practice, I faced an uphill battle that impacted every aspect of my life—academics, athletics, and mental health. Simple tasks became overwhelming, and I had to relearn how to function, from navigating classes with sunglasses to rebuilding my confidence through physical therapy. I embraced resilience and found strength in small victories. Inspired by Helen Maroulis’ journey, I decided to share my own story.
Elite in School and Sport: Forging Your Own Path
I’m a student-athlete at Choate Rosemary Hall, a highly demanding academic institution for high schoolers. I plan to continue pursuing a rigorous education and to compete at a high level of wrestling in college. Trying to balance both worlds can feel overwhelming. At times, it feels like I have to pick between my education and my sport. Limited opportunities for women to pursue both high-level academics and wrestling along with the challenges of being in a male-dominated sport have forced me to find unique ways to deal with stress, insecurity, and burnout.
How to Evaluate a College Wrestling Program
Choosing the right college wrestling program is a significant decision, particularly for female athletes. Beyond the typical considerations, such as academic fit and team culture, there are unique challenges and opportunities that female wrestlers and their families must navigate in today's evolving wrestling landscape.
Should I Redshirt a College Year?
If you are approaching college or already in school, you may have heard from coaches or teammates about the option to redshirt a college year. But what does this mean for you as a student and as an athlete? How does it change the coarse of your college career? Through advice of Cliff Cushard, current head women's wrestling coach for Adrian College, this blog aims to give you the best tools to make an educated decision.
How to Balance Academics as a Student Athlete
There is always time when you prioritize your academics. It may not be conveniently blocked off at one time, but it's there. Weekends are always good to catch up on work, but once the season starts, weekends are usually spent traveling. Stay organized with a planner so you know which assignment must be prioritized first. Use the small pockets of time in between training and classes (or working) to handle tasks. That may look like heading directly to a library or quiet study area to work in order to stay on top of your demanding academic schedule.
How to Choose Where to Wrestle in College
Mallory Velte started her wrestling journey in California. Despite first being told she could not join the team, she has pushed past obstacles to become a 3x college national champion, a junior and senior world team member, and one of the top wrestlers in the country. Read about her decision making for wrestling in college, and how the lessons she learned can help make your search more simple.