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Mindset, Coaches, Athletes Katherine Shai Mindset, Coaches, Athletes Katherine Shai

Using Mindfulness to Face Your Fears in Wrestling

As athletes, we all have our fears—those little voices in our heads that say, “What if I mess up?” or “What if I lose?” Whether it’s freezing up on the mat, letting ourselves down, or worrying about disappointing our coaches, fear is something we wrestle with every day. And the truth is, it doesn’t just go away as you get better at the sport. In fact, those fears can get louder. But here’s the game-changer: you don’t have to get rid of them. You just have to learn how to live with them.

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Athletes, Coaches, Journaling, Mindset Katherine Shai Athletes, Coaches, Journaling, Mindset Katherine Shai

Advocating for Yourself in Practices

When it comes to fully taking advantage of your training, there can be different scenarios. Sometimes we are new to sport and don't have the tools yet to know how to have our needs met. Sometimes we are the only girl on our wrestling team and may feel intimidated by an all male room. And other times we realize advocating for ourselves is a skill that can take a long time to master. Here are some great tips so you can start practicing now.

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Athletes, Journaling, Competition, Mindset Katherine Shai Athletes, Journaling, Competition, Mindset Katherine Shai

When Should You be Journaling?

Having a journal for sport is so much more than writing down a specific technique, or pouring out your emotions on the page. Journaling becomes a log of where you are at a certain point in your training. You begin to see patterns in your behaviors or actions, and how you handle situations that arise in sport. Journaling can become your place to tell it like it is, and learn to move forward despite how you felt.

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Athletes, Parents, Coaches, Mindset, Journaling Katherine Shai Athletes, Parents, Coaches, Mindset, Journaling Katherine Shai

Is Sports Psychology Important for a Tournament Day?

Majority of our time and effort is spent learning technique and strategies to prep for competition day. Your strategy should also include prepping your mind. And this is much different from the mental strength we build while we push ourselves in the practice room. These mental strategies are all about giving our minds the best tools to allow our bodies to perform. 

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